And now I’m back…

From outer space.  You just walked in to find me here with that sad look upon my face.  You should’ve changed your stupid lock, you should’ve made me leave my key, if you’d known for just one second I’d be back to bother…thee. (boom.  improvisation win).

Yes, I’m back to blogging by not-so-popular-but-very-persistent-demand.  I know that I make a lot of lofty promises on my blog [a picture a day, a post a day, $500,000 for contest* winners (*contest not valid where you are)], but I’m only going to make you, my loyal readers reader one more promise: No New Taxes!  No…wait…not that, that’s this whole other…whole other thing I’m working on.  It’s not important…

Ok, you caught me.  I’m running for President.  President of Your Mom.  But seriously…I’m running for President of Your Mom.

Back to that one last lofty promise I’m going to make you: I promise that this is my last lofty promise.  I’m not going to promise a post every day, or even every week.  I’ll write when I feel like I have something to write about, and as you’ve seen in the past I may go a month before anything interesting happens to me that I feel is worth devoting an entire post to.

This is just a general get the wheels turning and shake off the cobwebs kind of post to get the ball rolling and get back to square one, and write one long sentence full of cliche idioms (4.  4 idioms.  count ’em).

I don’t remember when my last post was, so I’ll just say it was sometime in the summer and catch you up on all my shenanigans since then.  Admittedly, I’m playing it pretty fast and loose with the term “shenanigans.”  Not everything I do is a shenanigan…much of my life is very mundane.

  1. I completed my 2L year of law school and began my 3L year.  In a related matter, I realized that everyone who told me law school would get better as the years went by is a bold-faced (see what I did there) liar.
  2. I took out my first student loan ever, which still makes me sick to think about…and yes, I know, every-other-law-student, that you’re in more debt than I am, but I don’t care because that’s your money, not mine.  I hate thinking about it so much that often when talking about it, I can’t even finish my sen-
  3. I went to Ruidoso with my family…lost all the money I took with me at the casino at the Inn of the Mountain Gods (gambling is bad), my mom gave me everything she won that night (moms are good) and then made all my money back at the Ruidoso Downs Racetrack the next day (gambling is bad…but fun if you win).
  4. My Spanish fiancee (inside joke) moved to Pittsburgh after we did NOT make the most of the last months we had to spend together
  5. I fell hard for a girl, got my heartbroken, spent the summer apart, got over it, fell for her all over again when she came back…that’s probably enough on that subject.  If you’re curious, ask me in a more private way.
  6. I became an honorary African American, and it’s probably one of my proudest accomplishments to date.  Also, I pissed off a lot of white friends with my “Black friends are better than white friends” Facebook status.
  7. I had kind of a huge revelation about myself/friends/friendship/frustrations.  I realized that I’m better friends with the people who came to me.  When I was myself, and made people want to be my friends because of who I AM, I’ve made much better friends than I have with the people who I try to fit in with and who I try to make like me because of how much like them I can seem.
  8. I still try to fit in with people and change who I am to make them like me.  Just because you’re aware of a problem doesn’t mean you can fix it.

That’s pretty much the highlight reel for now.  I’ll keep you posted when things worth writing about come up.

3 Responses to “And now I’m back…”

  1. Glad you’re back, Trey. I miss you!

  2. Your Spanish fiance misses you, and is glad you’re back. Especially because you’re the only one she will trust her life with (a statement of which approximately 30 people will vouch for).

  3. Cannot even begin to contain my excitement in opening this link today! Made my entire month!!! And November too! Love you Charles P. Downer!!!

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